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Exeter City Graffiti.
An attempt to map and document this constantly evolving art trail.
Click the areas below, use the locations below....
More images on route - so check back soon !
A: Station Road Legal Wall
B: St.Davids ( and the line out )
C: Flowerpots Skate Park ( and surrounding area )
D: Tin Lane ( RIP )
E: Exe Bridges ( and subway system )
F: County Tyres
G: Ide Underpass
H: The Phoenix
I: The Warehouse ( not open to public )
J: Marsh Barton / Alphin Brook
K: Storm Drain
L: Backboards / Demo site
M: Burnt House Lane ( RIP )
I've titled (most) of the images in the locations above as
the date taken.
If your work is featured here - and for whatever reason you
would like it removed - Please get in touch.
Also - Apart from old edits - moving forward....
I aim to keep this archive
UNEDITED and RAW ! Enjoy !
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